Donate to support The Cynic Project. I appreciate your support!!

Please support The Cynic Project with your donation.

Paypal, Patreon, Spare crypto only, please. Your support helps support website hosting costs, new music gear, and to support the software I use. Most of the Pixelsphere Kickstarter proceeds were used to purchase software.

BTC 1BzcwUAjXQA2wg3xypvit5Hdi17bT9dbKQ

ETH 0xE37Ca7b5C92e2fE240ef868e8b7bA2B84641CF75

LTC LMPe6AkCeEV6m9h1ZNPpznNvT69dbfSetf

DOGE DJmCrfTEx2X2uyeb4C4ub5omPaDZjzpueE

BCH 17iW57TyWMtYpKh79RzCA2tabeCgUyJR24

Electroneum ETN etnkMvDsR3ygiZ5BCXgvm7NoUwJaVNmtocmKvRF666fPJgLPS2avb92TxzwuZ7oEgMhRrJcp3VNhDCcipDaRDA8d6a1NV87V4p

Monero 49a5qffXDWtZZcjg1zTFhv5SQXVpQ1rskKxZEpYiRVc8effhYvqSTWYaCJPooD6uptUVHzF1fNazLixuuHNoU5Uw2VMKMgs

PAYPAL buy the ultimate collection for $60 or get in touch to make a donation.

PATREON the cynic project @ patreon (not recommended, I don't have any patrons yet)

New -- Extended Through Fall 2020 -- Any donation in cryptocurrency will get you the ultimate collection (normally $60 USD. This means you can literally get all my music for less than a penny, depending on which crypto you choose. That is a 10000% discount and the best deal you will get all day :)

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